2014年6月15日 星期日

FIFA World Cup

This week started FIFA World Cup. People of all over the world are looking forward to the game. Although next week come our final exams, some of my friends still woke up at 2 o'clock to join the event, and discussed which team has the chance to win. Some of them also painted their nails in the color of the country which they are supported for. Besides, I have heard that in Brazil people have a holiday when their country has a competition. Even in Japan the working hours are changed so that people can watch the game. It seems that the whole world are crazy about football. After I finish all my reports and exams, I would also love to become one of these people watching FIFA World Cup!

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Jennifer! Perhaps the best part of your blog is your consistency in writing from the beginning. Although you did well for one of the Akeelah and the Bee reflections, you are missing one. Despite missing one entry/post, you did well on the writing part. Perhaps one more suggestion would be to add photos to each post to "decorate" your blog and make it appealing to your reader. Good work!
