2014年6月15日 星期日

FIFA World Cup

This week started FIFA World Cup. People of all over the world are looking forward to the game. Although next week come our final exams, some of my friends still woke up at 2 o'clock to join the event, and discussed which team has the chance to win. Some of them also painted their nails in the color of the country which they are supported for. Besides, I have heard that in Brazil people have a holiday when their country has a competition. Even in Japan the working hours are changed so that people can watch the game. It seems that the whole world are crazy about football. After I finish all my reports and exams, I would also love to become one of these people watching FIFA World Cup!

2014年6月8日 星期日


Time flies. The semester is about to end, which means final exams are coming and I am hunted by reports. Few days ago my classmate and I were talking about our performances in this semester. Both of us thought that our behavior are lazier than before, because we all look forward to our exchange year in Germany. For myself the bad habit of being late in class is also become more serious. Though I would like to do some changes, it is really hard to force myself to leave home earlier. There is only one year when I leave NCCU, except for planning my future, I should also establish good attitude and become more mature. Everything seems difficult at the beginning, but as long as I work hard,I hope I can reach my goal someday.

Abnormal Weather

The weather is getting worse and worse. It is normal that Taiwan in May has such annoying raining day. However, these days rained like someone pouring water from the sky. When people walking on the street in the pouring rain within three minutes their clothes all get wet through. From the news we could see lots of places were in flood, and even caused many people lost their properties. I still remembered about two years ago NCCU were also influenced by a heavy rain so cancelled all classes. Water fell down the mountains like a huge waterfall. All abnormal extreme weather remind us to pay attention to the environment, which has been strongly destroyed for decades. Now it gives us some warnings to take it seriously, otherwise it would become a hard disaster to humankind.